Because many customers come to us asking about the quality of this super clone watch, in order to verify the quality and sales of our super clone watch, so, we decided to start from December 1, 2024 .Every day we update a video of our goods manufacturers real incoming real shot. Please supervise as well as reference and provide comments together. We just want to show you our most real side.
However, when the factory sends the goods to the warehouse, due to time constraints, so when taking pictures, it is inevitable that there will be some shaking, blurring, etc. I hope you will understand, but this is also the most authentic record of the factory's incoming goods. Every day there are super clone watches sent to the warehouse from the factory, and there are many more that are too late to be photographed.
Because the goods sent by the manufacturer is only the first process, it has to go through our inspection department, followed by QC quality department, and finally the shipping department. The process is about 2-4 working days time, and then it can be shipped. Therefore, only part of the goods can be shot on video.
We insist that before each replica watches Rolex is shipped, it must correspond to do rigorous testing there is timekeeping, hot and cold tests, water pressure, pressure, vacuum and other instrumentation testing, because the watch is a complex mechanical device, the inspection requires time and observation, after we ship all the watches.
All undergo thorough multiple quality checks to ensure that you can buy with confidence from thousands of miles away, minimising the likelihood of watch malfunctions and defects.